Plastic Greenhouses: A Horticulturist’s Guide

Introduction to Plastic Greenhouses

Are you familiar with the phrase, “We reap what we sow”? As an avid gardener, I take this literally and metaphorically. Gardening is an exquisite journey of planting and nurturing, and what better way to embark on this journey than with a plastic greenhouse? But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, we need to understand what exactly a plastic greenhouse is.

Essentially, a plastic greenhouse is a structure made primarily of plastic material used for growing and nurturing plants. It serves the same purpose as the traditional glass greenhouse but with several unique benefits. As you explore this guide, you’ll see why plastic greenhouses are becoming a favorite among gardeners worldwide. But before we dive in, let’s answer a fundamental question – why choose a plastic greenhouse?

Why Choose Plastic Greenhouses ?

The greenhouse market offers a variety of options, so why should you specifically choose a plastic one? For starters, plastic greenhouses are a financially smart choice. Compared to glass, plastic is a more affordable material. The cost-effectiveness of plastic doesn’t stop at its purchase price; it also extends to its maintenance and replacement expenses. When it comes to handling, plastic is lightweight, making it easier to install and relocate if necessary.

Moreover, plastic greenhouses provide excellent insulation, which is critical in maintaining the right temperature for your plants. It means your plants get a stable, warm environment, even during cold seasons. And let’s not forget the durability plastic offers. It can withstand harsh weather conditions better than glass, ensuring your plants are protected all year round.

Types of Plastic Used in Greenhouses

Not all plastic greenhouses are created equal, and the type of plastic used plays a significant role in their performance.

First, we have polyethylene, a popular choice for its affordability and flexibility. It’s perfect for small, hobbyist greenhouses where the budget is a concern. However, keep in mind that polyethylene tends to degrade over time due to UV exposure and may need replacing every few years.

Second, there’s polycarbonate, a robust and durable plastic that’s virtually unbreakable. It has excellent insulating properties and is resistant to UV rays, making it suitable for permanent, larger-scale greenhouses.

Lastly, we have polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Although not as common as the other two, it’s a good choice for smaller, hobby greenhouses. It’s durable, lightweight, and relatively cheap, although not as transparent as the other options.

Top Advantages of Plastic Greenhouses

Plastic greenhouses offer a plethora of benefits that make them a worthwhile investment for any gardener. Besides the cost-effectiveness, versatility, and ease of handling that we’ve already covered, plastic greenhouses are champions in heat retention. The plastic cover traps the sun’s heat, creating a warm environment that promotes plant growth, even in colder seasons.

Then there’s the matter of protection. Plastic greenhouses effectively shield your plants from adverse weather conditions, pests, and diseases. Whether it’s the scorching summer sun, the relentless winter frost, or a sudden hailstorm, your plants are well protected within the plastic sanctuary.

Moreover, plastic greenhouses are lightweight and portable. If you’re a renter or frequently move houses, you’ll appreciate the convenience of being able to transport your greenhouse without much hassle.

Plus, the flexibility of plastic allows for various greenhouse designs. Whether you want a walk-in tunnel, a lean-to against your house, or a freestanding structure in your garden, there’s a plastic greenhouse to suit your needs.

These are just a handful of the numerous advantages plastic greenhouses offer. But remember, owning a greenhouse, much like gardening, is a commitment. You need to know how to set up and maintain it to reap its benefits.

Plastic Greenhouse

Setting Up Plastic Greenhouses

Excited about getting your own plastic greenhouse? Great! But before you jump in, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out plan for setting it up. After all, a greenhouse is not just a structure; it’s a haven for your plants. So, here are some critical considerations when setting up your plastic greenhouse.

Location Considerations

The location of your greenhouse plays a significant role in the success of your gardening. When deciding on a spot, consider the following:

Sunlight Exposure: Greenhouses rely on the sun to generate heat. Therefore, choose a location that gets plenty of sunlight, preferably with southern exposure. However, beware of locations that might get too hot during the summer. Strategically placed shade or the use of shade cloth can mitigate this issue.

Water Access: Your plants need regular watering, so place your greenhouse within reach of a water source. Whether you’re using a hose, a watering can, or an automated irrigation system, water accessibility is crucial.

Wind Protection: While plastic greenhouses are durable, they’re not impervious to damage. High winds can cause wear and tear or even topple over smaller structures. Therefore, place your greenhouse in a sheltered area or use windbreaks like fences, hedges, or walls to protect it.

Soil Quality: If you plan to plant directly into the ground in your greenhouse, the soil quality matters. Consider factors like pH level, nutrient content, and drainage.

Size and Structure

The size and design of your plastic greenhouse depend on several factors, including the space available, the types of plants you plan to grow, and your budget.

For hobby gardeners with limited space, a small walk-in or even a mini greenhouse would suffice. But for more ambitious projects like growing a variety of crops or exotic plants, larger structures are more suitable.

When it comes to structure, the most common design is the freestanding greenhouse, which allows for greater flexibility in location and plant arrangement. However, if you’re constrained by space, a lean-to greenhouse against a wall or fence is an excellent space-saving solution.

The shape of your greenhouse also matters. The traditional shape is rectangular with a pitched roof, which provides ample space and efficient sunlight capture. Dome-shaped or circular greenhouses are gaining popularity for their aesthetic appeal and excellent wind resistance, but they may be more challenging to set up and maintain.

In the end, the choice of size and structure depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whatever your decision, ensure it offers enough space for your plants to grow and for you to move around comfortably.

Interior Setup and Planting

With your greenhouse structure in place, it’s time to create an inviting and conducive environment for your plants. But where do you start?

Layout Planning: A well-planned layout not only maximizes space but also promotes efficient growth. Consider your plants’ needs – some might need more space or sunlight than others. Plan your layout such that every plant gets its required conditions.

Choosing Containers: Depending on the plants you want to grow, you might need a variety of containers. Smaller pots are suitable for herbs and flowers, while larger ones or raised beds can accommodate vegetables and larger plants.

Selecting the Plants: The beauty of a greenhouse is that it broadens your gardening options. You can grow a variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and

even fruits. If you’re a beginner, start with plants that are easy to grow, like lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and cucumbers. As you gain confidence, you can experiment with more exotic or challenging plants.

Temperature and Humidity Control: Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is crucial for your plants’ health. Install a thermometer and a hygrometer to monitor these parameters. On hot days, use ventilation, shading, or misting to cool down the greenhouse. On cold nights, heaters or thermal blankets can help keep your plants warm.

Watering and Feeding: Regular watering and feeding are essential for your plants. However, avoid overwatering as it can lead to diseases. Similarly, too much fertilizer can harm your plants. Find the right balance based on the plants you’re growing.

Greenhouse Maintenance

To ensure your greenhouse serves you well for years, regular maintenance is necessary. Keep it clean to prevent the buildup of pests and diseases. Check and repair any damage to the structure, especially after severe weather conditions. Replace worn-out plastic covers to ensure optimal light and heat transmission. Monitor and adjust temperature and humidity levels as needed. Remember, a well-maintained greenhouse is a productive greenhouse.

Making the Most of Your Plastic Greenhouse

Now that you’re familiar with setting up and maintaining your plastic greenhouse let’s explore some tips to make the most out of it.

Extend Your Growing Season

One of the major benefits of a greenhouse is the ability to extend your growing season. You can start planting earlier in the spring and continue late into the fall, or even through the winter if you can maintain the right conditions. This means you can enjoy fresh produce year-round, not just in the summer.

Grow a Variety of Plants

Don’t limit yourself to the usual suspects of your outdoor garden. The controlled environment of a greenhouse allows you to grow a wide variety of plants, including exotics. You can experiment with different types of vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, and even ornamental plants.

Optimize Your Space

With clever planning and organization, you can maximize the growing space in your greenhouse. Use vertical space by installing shelves or hanging baskets. Use the periphery of the greenhouse for taller plants and the center for shorter ones to ensure all plants get adequate light.

Pest and Disease Control

A greenhouse can help reduce the incidence of pests and diseases. However, it’s not immune. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of trouble. Early detection and intervention can prevent an infestation or disease outbreak.

Plastic Greenhouse

Conclusion on Plastic greenhouses

So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to plastic greenhouses. Embracing a plastic greenhouse is like opening a new chapter in your gardening book. It brings along challenges but also opportunities for growth and learning. It allows you to explore new territories, extend your gardening seasons, and multiply the joy of nurturing and harvesting.

Remember, as with any form of gardening, patience and persistence are key. Don’t be discouraged by initial hiccups. With time, you’ll understand the nuances of your greenhouse and can adapt for success. Happy gardening!


Q1: Is a plastic greenhouse as effective as a glass one?
Absolutely! While they each have their pros and cons, plastic greenhouses are equally effective as their glass counterparts. They are excellent at maintaining temperature, are more durable, and more cost-effective.

Q2: How long does a plastic greenhouse last?
The lifespan of a plastic greenhouse depends on the type of plastic used and how well it’s maintained. Generally, a plastic greenhouse can last anywhere from 3 to 10 years or even more.

Q3: Can I use a plastic greenhouse in winter?
Yes, with proper heating and insulation, you can use a plastic greenhouse to grow plants even in winter.

Q4: What can I grow in a plastic greenhouse?
You can grow a wide variety of plants in a plastic greenhouse, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruits. You can also grow plants that wouldn’t normally grow in your outdoor conditions.

Q5: Do I need to obtain any permits to install a plastic greenhouse?
It depends on your local zoning laws. While smaller, temporary structures usually don’t require permits, larger or permanent structures might. It’s always a good idea to check with your local authorities before installing a greenhouse.

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John Shaw

In this blog, we won't just stop at the basics of greenhouse gardening. Whether you're planning to set up your first tabletop greenhouse or looking to optimize a sprawling garden, my posts will cater to a wide range of interests and skill levels. I'll share practical tips and innovative solutions to common gardening challenges. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Through our shared passion for horticulture, we can grow, not only plants, but also a vibrant community of gardeners. I'm excited to see where our greenhouse adventures take us. Happy gardening!

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