Greenhouse Tables: Your Growing Guide

Understanding Greenhouse Tables

Greenhouse tables, also known as potting benches or staging tables, do more than just save your back from the strain of working at ground level. They bring several advantages to your greenhouse, enhancing both your plants’ growth and your gardening experience.

Space Optimization 

In a greenhouse, every inch of space counts. Tables allow you to make the most of the vertical space available to you, effectively doubling or even tripling the amount of room you have for plants. They also keep your plants off the ground, reducing the risk of pests or diseases affecting your plants.

Improved Plant Health

By elevating your plants, tables improve air circulation around your plants, which can help to prevent fungal diseases. The increased exposure to sunlight can also promote more robust growth.

Organization and Efficiency 

Tables provide a dedicated workspace for potting and repotting plants, mixing soils, and storing tools. By keeping everything you need in one place, you can work more efficiently and keep your greenhouse neat and organized.

Greenhouse Tables

Exploring Types of Greenhouse Tables

There’s a greenhouse table to suit every gardener’s needs and preferences. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of the different types of tables available.

Aluminum Greenhouse Tables

Aluminum tables are a popular choice for many gardeners. They are lightweight and durable, resisting both rust and corrosion, even in the humid environment of a greenhouse. However, they can be a bit more expensive than other options and may not offer the aesthetic appeal that some gardeners prefer.

Wooden Greenhouse Tables 

Wooden tables bring a warm, rustic charm to your greenhouse. They are strong and sturdy and, if made from cedar or redwood, can resist rot and insects. However, they require regular maintenance to keep them in top condition, and they can be vulnerable to damp and humidity over time.

Plastic Greenhouse Tables 

Plastic tables are a cost-effective choice, perfect for gardeners on a budget. They are lightweight, easy to clean, and resistant to damp and humidity. However, they may not be as sturdy or long-lasting as other options, especially when exposed to high temperatures or heavy loads.

Choosing Your Greenhouse Table 

Selecting the right table for your greenhouse requires careful consideration. Here are some key factors to think about.

Size and Space

The size of your table should align with the size of your greenhouse. If your greenhouse is small, a large table might restrict your movement and make it difficult to care for your plants. Conversely, a table that’s too small might not provide the workspace or storage you need.

Durability and Maintenance 

Consider how well the material of the table can withstand the conditions in your greenhouse and support the weight of your plants and tools. Also, think about how much maintenance you’re prepared to do. Are you okay with regularly sealing and painting a wooden table, or would you prefer the low-maintenance convenience of an aluminum or plastic table?

Greenhouse Table

Using Your Greenhouse Table Effectively 

Once you’ve chosen your table, you need to know how to use it effectively. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your greenhouse table.

Table Placement 

Place your table in a spot that gets plenty of light but doesn’t block light from reaching your other plants. Also, make sure you can easily access all sides of the table.

Tiered Tables and Shelves 

A tiered table or a table with shelves can give you even more space to grow plants or store tools. It’s a great way to further optimize your greenhouse space.

Ensuring Proper Drainage

Good drainage is crucial for preventing waterlogged pots and root rot. Look for a table with a slatted top, or place trays with drainage holes under your pots.

Creating Your Own Greenhouse Table 

If you’re handy with tools, why not create your own greenhouse table? A DIY table allows you to customize it to your specific needs and preferences. You can use old pallets, an unused workbench, or even an antique table – the possibilities are endless. Just remember to keep in mind the key considerations we’ve discussed: size, durability, maintenance, and drainage.


A greenhouse table might seem like a simple piece of equipment, but it can significantly enhance your greenhouse gardening experience. Whether you choose an aluminum, wooden, or plastic table, or create your own, remember to consider your specific needs and the conditions in your greenhouse. Here’s to a more organized, efficient, and productive gardening experience with your perfect greenhouse table!


1. What is the ideal size for a greenhouse table? 

The ideal size for your greenhouse table depends on the size of your greenhouse and your gardening needs. However, most gardeners find that a table that is about waist-high allows them to work comfortably without straining their back or knees.

2. How can I improve the longevity of a wooden greenhouse table? 

To improve the longevity of a wooden greenhouse table, it’s important to protect it from moisture and pests. This can involve sealing the wood with a water-resistant sealant, using a cover to protect the table when not in use, and performing regular checks for signs of rot or insect damage. It may also be beneficial to choose a table made from a naturally rot-resistant wood like cedar or redwood.

3. Are there any special care requirements for aluminum greenhouse tables?

Aluminum greenhouse tables are relatively low-maintenance, which is part of their appeal. However, it’s still important to clean them regularly to remove any accumulated dirt or plant debris. Also, while aluminum is resistant to rust, it can develop a layer of aluminum oxide over time. This is harmless and doesn’t affect the table’s functionality, but you may wish to periodically wipe down the table with a damp cloth to keep it looking its best.

4. Can I add a greenhouse table to my existing greenhouse setup? 

Absolutely! A greenhouse table can be a great addition to an existing greenhouse setup. Just make sure to carefully measure your available space before purchasing or building a table to ensure it will fit comfortably.

5. Can I use my greenhouse table for other gardening tasks?

Yes, your greenhouse table can serve multiple purposes. Apart from providing a space for your plants, you can use it for potting, repotting, and preparing seeds. Some gardeners also use their tables to store gardening tools and accessories, making it a truly versatile part of your greenhouse.

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John Shaw

In this blog, we won't just stop at the basics of greenhouse gardening. Whether you're planning to set up your first tabletop greenhouse or looking to optimize a sprawling garden, my posts will cater to a wide range of interests and skill levels. I'll share practical tips and innovative solutions to common gardening challenges. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Through our shared passion for horticulture, we can grow, not only plants, but also a vibrant community of gardeners. I'm excited to see where our greenhouse adventures take us. Happy gardening!

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